Kings Island Trip

August 4, 2023 7:30am - 10:00pm  |  Kings Island

Kings Island, Kings Island Drive, Mason, OH, USA

  • Timeline: Leave church at 7:30 AM, arrive at park by 11:00 AM opening; leave park at 6:00PM; get dinner, arrive back to Pierce Church by 10:00 PM.
  • Who: Any kid entering 2nd grade or above. Pierce Youth kids may come as well.
  • Cost: $40 (email me if cost is a concern).
  • Transportation: Church van
  • Chaperones: Kevin Duecker and others will be providing supervision. Let me know if you’d be interested in helping!
  • Anything else? Kids should bring a sack lunch, clothes that can get wet (i.e. water rides), spending money for snacks/souvenirs ($20 or so). We’ll get dinner (outside of the park) on the way home.